Sunday, November 13, 2005

the Hat Matters

When I worked for the Hat Matters, I got this felt hat. The owner then stretched it and steamed it on a hat block so it would fit me right. Then I decorated it with feathers and jewels.

Me in my pirate hat. Posted by Picasa

Crocheted hat modeled by my daughter. She liked it so much I gave it to her. Posted by Picasa

Understated hat that will go with anything. Black, brown, and tan. Posted by Picasa

Black and white hat I knit today. Posted by Picasa

Pointy little knit hat...front. Posted by Picasa

Pointy little knit hat...sideview. Posted by Picasa

Seafoam hat. Posted by Picasa

Moss green knit hat. Posted by Picasa

Purple fun fur knit hat. Posted by Picasa

The other side

Another envelope hat I designed. Posted by Picasa

Bunnies and snake on a knitted envelope hat. Posted by Picasa

Crochet hat made with raffia. Posted by Picasa

Forest Lass tam in shades of green. Posted by Picasa

Witch Hat from the dollar store. Posted by Picasa

A crocheted orange and gray hat. Posted by Picasa

Welcome to Hatitude

I make hats for fun and profit and to go with costumes I wear hither and yon. Making hats is a great way to use up odd bits and pieces of expensive trim and ribbon left over from other projects. You can knit, crochet, macrame, sew or weave them. Or you can buy a ready made hat form and go from there.